A live, comedy variety show featuring a selection of impersonations of female comedians from the 1940's - 1960’s.
You might meet Lucy, Minnie Pearl, Lily Tomlin, Sophie Tucker or even Ethel Merman – and you'll definitely get to meet the hostess with the mostest on the ball! The show will also include singing, comedy, audience participation, trivia and prizes will be awarded.
The show is perfect for anyone who needs a good belly laugh.
A unique, original and fun presentation!
© 2023 Delvena Theatre Company. All rights reserved.
A live, comedy variety show featuring a selection of impersonations of female comedians from the 1940's - 1960’s.
You might meet Lucy, Minnie Pearl, Lily Tomlin, Sophie Tucker or even Ethel Merman – and you'll definitely get to meet the hostess with the mostest on the ball! The show will also include singing, comedy, audience participation, trivia and prizes will be awarded.
The show is perfect for anyone who needs a good belly laugh.
A unique, original and fun presentation!
© 2023 Delvena Theatre Company. All rights reserved.